Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hotel for Dog's Advice: Keep Your Dog Safe in Spring

Spring is in the air - let's talk safety.

5 Tips and Tricks based on ASPCA's advice.

1. Window Screening

     Many cats/dogs unwittingly jump or fall from open windows that don't have protective screens. So while enjoying the warm spring breezes, make sure you have installed a snug and proper window screen.

2. Spring Cleaning

     While spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition, be mindful that your furry friends are curious and almost all commercially sold cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to pets. Keep them out of reach of searching paws and sniffing noses. Just be sure to read the safety instructions on the cleaning bottles, and nothing will interrupt your battle against the dust bunnies.

3. Speaking of Chemicals...

     Sprucing up the house further w/ paint and construction also includes having an increased awareness of keeping toxins from paints and solvents from your pets. They can cause irritations and chemical burns. Organize your work space so no unsuspecting paws step on fallen nails, staples, power tools, etc. If need be, confine your dog in a safe, pet-friendly room until construction is complete.

4. Poisonous Plants

     As you plant your spring gardens, be mindful of certain plants - Easter lilies, rhododendron and azaleas, etc. - which can be harmful to your dogs/cats if ingested. You can find a full list on ASPCA's website.

5. The Smallest Pests

     Be careful - spring brings back the bugs. Make sure your pet is on a year-round heart-worm preventive medication, and a flea and tick control program. Talk to your veterinarian to design a plan specifically for your dog/cat.

Spring brings back the warm weather and sunshine - stay safe and happy!

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