Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dog Park Fun: Tips & Tricks

Dog Parks are a great place for your dog to romp around with other dogs, socializing and playing. To keep the experience a safe and happy one, here are some things to remember:

1. Let your dog to be unleashed.

Dog parks are an open are safe for dogs to roam around. Keeping your dog on a leash, while all other dogs are allowed to play without restriction, can cause your dog to act in a more aggressive manner. For your dog to feel the most at ease, he must be able to handle approaching dogs, and dogs approaching him, in his own natural way. This isn't something he can do while tethered to your side.

2. Healthy is Happy

Please make sure your dog is healthy when you bring him to the dog park. Are his shots up-to-date? Spayed or neutered? Still a tiny puppy? Too old to handle a playful romp from another dog? Make the experience the best for your dog by making sure they're at their healthiest, and won't find the situation too overwhelming.

3. Come Prepared for FUN Not for Tidy

A dog park is not the place to worry about dressing up and staying neat. Depending on weather situations, the season, etc., your dog is likely to be rolling around in the grass, potentially mud, or even snow. While most dogs in a dog park have probably had jumping trained out them, this isn't a guarantee, so humans are just as likely to find themselves a little dirty. Relax- bring some towels for the car and just have a good time.

4. Know Where Your Dog Is

Don't expect to let your dog go play to give you time to read or talk on your cellphone. While dog parks have fences to keep the dog area safe, there could be several situations where a particularly curious dog can find a way out. Also, should a situation appear to be going poorly with another dog, you'll want to be able to move in fast enough to calm things down. - Keep in mind that 'play fighting' is not the same as 'fighting'. Dogs think/act differently about things than humans, so try thinking like a dog. And keep an eye on him.

5. Be Nice, Have Fun, Relax

For more on dog parks, check out some of these sources:
Doggoes, APDT, the local dog park regulars, etc.

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